The Dharma Guy
Trinity Phillips, Master Trainer
His Story Begins With...
At twenty years old, nearly three hundred pounds and an overall dissatisfaction with the person staring back from the mirror, Trinity Phillips decided it was time for a lifestyle change. Grateful for the support & guidance of a close friend who had already completed a successful journey back to health & wellness, Trinity soon found himself nearly one hundred pounds lighter and full of a new found drive and passion to use his knowledge and success in a way that would impact others. Advising on ways to improve their own quality of life, he discovered his first true calling as a member of the health & fitness industry .
While physically Trinity had never felt better, he still continued to feel the internal struggle at finding happiness in life. After years contemplating on how to obtain the feeling of fulfillment that he ultimately seemed to be lacking, he was introduced to a book during an art session one afternoon. Against The Stream by Noah Levine, A Buddhist Manual for Spiritual Revolutionaries would provide for Trinity, a new lease on life. Finding himself immersed with the unbelievable clarity and understanding of what he was actually learning, he became profoundly impacted by the realization that his very own best thinking was the cause of his suffering as well! Throughout his personal studies of the Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path, he found himself most impacted by the simplicity of the Third Noble Truth, We Can Choose Not To Suffer. Identifying with the onus it clearly puts into holding oneself accountable and realizing that he no longer had to be a victim to life itself, brought him to a level of peace he had not previously experienced. Realizing that only he could be responsible for making the changes he was seeking, Trinity took the steps towards the inner revolution and path of enlightenment. From that moment forward, his life had new meaning and purpose.
Seeing a complete picture of the client is very important to Trinity. The belief that you can not fully achieve success unless the physical, mental and emotional aspects of an individuals health and well-being have all been addressed has shown to be of the utmost concern. Once he has a complete picture of each client, he is then able to formulate individual fitness modules targeted to provide the most optimum level of success including meal & diet planning, cardiovascular & strength routines and body fat analysis. Through the harnessing of his own personal story of victory, experience, wisdom and complete dedication to each client’s treatment as a whole, Trinity hopes to do his part in changing lives each day. While Trinity Fitness LLC is known for meeting the needs of every client, be them novice or athlete, his primary goal has always been to provide even the average person with the building blocks necessary to create their own path to wellness.
Being able to share his own personal journey to enlightenment as a means to help others that may be looking for an end to their own suffering has been of great importance to him. Many of his students would easily credit his patience, compassion, awareness and modern day approach to teaching as one that allows the path to be presented without pressure. “Trinity will provide you with the resources and loving guidance to take the steps into enlightenment but he will not force you to walk his same course.” He clearly teaches that Buddhism is a philosophy, a way of life not to be confused by religion itself. You do not have to abandon your current religious standings and beliefs to become enlightened through the Buddhist path. Having this mindset allows Trinity to incorporate the overall principles that he teaches as a spiritual enlightenment coach with the many core values he implements and practices in his health and wellness business. Through his classes as well as fitness training, his personal goal remains the same, “I only hope to share what I have learned to help alleviate the suffering of others”.
Trinity Phillips is co-host of The Couch Live Radio Program, President of The N.O.W. Matters More Foundation, a contract Master Trainer &/or group facilitor on spirituality & nutrition for substance abuse treatment programs, and available for private consultation. Please feel free to contact him via email or calling him at 407-620-1114.